藤井 裕樹


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藤井 裕樹




講師としては、2008年〜2015年まで(財)ヤマハ音楽振興会認定講師を務める他、フジテレビの企画で、タレントの木下優樹菜へのトロンボーン指導の経験も。現在は独立し、Mt. Fuji Music Schoolを運営。脳科学、解剖学、心理学などの分野も積極的に取り入れ、さらに指導の幅を広げている。

そのほか、willie’s Custom Brass「Mt.Fuji」Modelのマウスピースの監修や、管楽器専門誌「ブラストライブ」では、ワンポイントレッスン&コラム(2009年7月〜2010年12月)の執筆、「サックス&ブラスマガジン」や「ジャズライフ」、「ヤマハZブログ」などでもライターとして活動。


2016年3月11日、自身では初のリーダーアルバム「Lullaby of Angels」をリリース(東日本大震災チャリティーCDとして)。


Hiroki Fujii was born in 1979 in Osaka.

When he was a high school student he got the 3rd place in the 4th annual Japan Trombone Competition.

He started his career as a professional musician at the age of 19.

He played with the Tokyo Disney Sea Maritime Band for 2 years before he went to the United States to study music at the age of 24. He got a scholarship to study at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and studied with Bruce Paulson.

Immediately after he returned to Japan, he played in the Tokyo Disney Land Band for 1 year.

He has also performed and worked with numerous jazz artists including Allen Hermann, Alenn Vizutti, Bill Reichenbach, Chuck Findley, Eero Koivistoinen, Eijiro Nakagawa, Eric Marienthal, Eric Miyashiro, George Roberts, Harry Betts, Jeff Coffin, Jigs Whigham, Jim Pugh, Lloyd Ulyate, Mats Holmquist, Randy Brecker, Rich Perry, Tim Hagans and Wycliffe Gordon.

Hiroki has recorded a lot of music for TV commercials. He has also played on many CDs for Japanese pop and rock artists. These include Mitsuhiro Oikawa, Maki Oguro, and Kanjani Eight. He has also played live and toured with world famous artists such as Eikichi Yazawa, Ai Otsuka, Kanjani Eight, Subaru Sibutani and Naoto Inti Raymi.

He has composed and arranged music for his own bands “Hero’s Session” and “Hero’s Brass”. He also composed and arranged works which have been played at Tokyo Disney and Tokyo Sky Tree as well as other locations in around Tokyo.

Hiroki worked as an instructor with Yamaha Music School between 2008 and 2015. Here he taught all levels and individuals as well as groups. He focused on a broad range of skill areas in his classes. These included anatomy, psychology in order to broaden his range of teaching techniques.

Hiroki has published a book of etudes which extend brass players’ abilities. He has also written a number of musical pieces for brass players.

He has also worked with willie’s Custom Brass to design the Mt.Fuji model mouthpiece.

Hiroki is a Yamaha Z model official user.(https://jp.yamaha.com/sp/blog/z_express/author/fujii-hiroki/)

In addition to his role as teacher and performer, Hiroki helped victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, by playing concerts and teaching. He has also supported communities in Cebu in the Philippines by donating second-hand instruments as well as teaching and performing.

MtFujiMusic School レッスンのご案内
MtFujiMusic School レッスンのご案内


Basic Training for BIG BAND/Trombone/トロンボーン(楽譜&伴奏音源セット/PDF&MP3)



フジイ ヒロキ
フジイヒロキ/藤井 裕樹

Trombonist, Composer, Arranger,
Teacher, Writer, Producer, Consultant




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